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HomeUpOlivia's 1st BdayRyann24BdayMichael's BirthdayJanae
Julie & Michael ... Awww...
Michael, Janae & Mo!
Great smile!
Hi Angie!
Ally @ 3mos!
Work that pout girl!
Look daddy! Knees!
Aww.. More?
Daddy's making a funny face!
Allison -- our little angel!
There's La-La!!! Hi Dipsy!
Dipsy says Hi!
So Cute!
Starting her out early!
My Ducky's fallen and can't get up!
For me?!
Happy Birthday Janae!
New fashion style?
No more Uncle Jim!
Mike and Ally -- Practicing 'snobbing'
Mom & her little princesses!
The uncle...